in for big surprise. what is your name my name is lukah chang. sure enough, not danny woo, lukah chang. 23 years old, the son of christian missionaries a deserted from the u.s. marines who drifted in dow without any plans. he stayed in that downtown travel lodge, for he encountered a maid named amyjane. did you talk to her no, should only ask of you wanted the room clean, and i said no. he was broke, spending hi days on the street, spending his days at the town library across the street from the travel lodge i saw her, and i thought, a opportunity to attack. how long did you have to? way probably half an hour you re thinking to yourself what i m going to do
Hancock Town Library’s literary Peeps diorama contest is on.Participants are asked to get crafty with Peeps marshmallows to create a scene from their favorite books, and Library Director Amy Markus is thrilled by the entry turnout this year.A total of.
Concord■As childhood friends growing up in Denver, Colorado, Joe Mailander and Justin Lansing were were born adventurers. Now, as the Grammy Award-winning Okee Dokee Brothers, they have put this passion for the outdoors at the heart of their Americana.