Town planners are working to clarify and tweak Gilbert s Land Development Code regulating secondary dwelling units and accessory structures built on single-family residential properties.
The state has suspended payments to over 100 behavioral health group home and outpatient treatment providers believed to be engaging in Medicaid fraud – including six in Gilbert.
Gilbert Planning commissioners last week gave a thumb up to a compromise to put open space, apartments, retail and “a cool destination spot” of restaurants on 39 acres that would
The Town of Gilbert, Arizona, is among the fastest growing and most dynamic communities in the Southwest, adding over 170,000 new residents and tens of thousands of new jobs in under 20 years. The Town of Gilbert is entering a new era of urban growth, transitioning from rapid greenfield development and a role as a "bedroom community" to more diverse model of urban development. Unfortunately, the parking standards within the Town Land Development Code (LDC) continue to create constraints on the Town's efforts to promote financially and environmentally sustainable land use and transportation patterns.
The Town is launching an RFP to recruit qualified consultants to support ongoing improvements to parking codes within the Town Land Development Code (LDC). The Town is seeking to work with consultants to identify shortcomings in the existing LDC and provide professional guidance and best practices in the following areas:
"Rightsizing" parking requirements for v