Long-time Town Moderator Sheila Doherty is facing a challenge from Keith Saxton to be the person running Town Meeting Day and appointing people to the Finance Committee.
Andover Town Meeting Passes Pension Plan, West Elementary, Budget - Andover, MA - Most of the annual town meeting warrant passed, including a resident-petitioned article funding Merrimack River cleanup.
Should Andover Town Meeting allow remote participation?
On Thursday, Feb. 25, the Town Governance Study Committee will discuss potential methods of remote participation in Town Meeting to make it more accessible and convenient to residents.
Residents may submit input for, or participate in, the meeting, per details in the agenda: https://andoverma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/ 02252021-3896.
If you are interested in continuing discussion of Town Meeting effectiveness and the best way of governing Andover for the future, please join an Andover-resident Google Group established for just this purpose.
For more information, contact info@andovergovernance.org.
Kevin Coffey