The Montana Jewish Project is preparing education materials to send out to participating schools throughout Montana, a curriculum focused on putting a stop to hate and bullying of all kinds.
The Montana Jewish Project is preparing education materials to send out to participating schools throughout Montana, a curriculum focused on putting a stop to hate and bullying of all kinds.
"The Christmas Menorahs," a children s book about Billings residents fighting back against neo-Nazis who attempted to terrorize minorities in 1993, rings as true today as it did back then.
My question about what rituals you have chosen or invented to honor your dearly departed loved ones turned up this Christian reader who has adopted a Jewish ritual when she
Last night was the first night of Hanukkah, the holiday that commemorates the Jewish revolt around 200 B.C. against Greek/Syrian repressors, who had forbidden them to practice Judaism, ordering them to worship Greek Gods. In gratitude for their.