A potential change in Wiscasset Water District’s charter may allow for expansion into Edgecomb. Selectmen Mike Smith and Ted Hugger gave “two thumbs up” April 4 in responding to a water district query about the town’s possible future inclusion.
The Edgecomb School Committee is one of 168 departments receiving additional state educational subsidies for Fiscal Year 24. Last week, Maine Department of Education reported a “funding error” resulted in an additional $42 million in subsides.
Edgecomb selectmen are taking a cue from the Mamas and the Papas: “Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day.” On Jan. 24, selectmen changed from their traditional every other Monday meeting date to every other Tuesday. Town officials reported energy.
Edgecomb Selectman Dawn Murray read her resignation letter aloud Dec. 27 citing an ongoing harassment case and health concerns as reasons for leaving her post. She had hoped to finish her term which expires in May, but could not, and she decided she.
BILL PEARSON Fri, 04/09/2021 - 7:45am
Edgecomb has not had a property revaluation in 17 years, and it doesn’t look there will be one anytime soon. Selectmen discussed the timetable April 6, but their tax assessor isn’t available for three years. Instead, selectmen unanimously agreed to meet with Tax Assessor John O’Donnell of John E. O’Donnell & Associates, Inc. to begin estimating the project’s size and scope in preparation for a 2024 revaluation. “We’re receiving an increasing number of inquiries of taxpayers questioning their bills,” Selectman Mike Smith said. “Its been 17 years, so we’re way beyond time.”
In other action, Selectman Dawn Murray reported about her legal inquiry into whether or not volunteer firemen were municipal employees. Murray spoke with a Drummond Woodsum representative who counseled her that, under the federal Fair Labor Act standards, volunteer firefighters. “didn’t fall under the standard of municipal employees.” T