DEERFIELD The proposed North Main Street park project is effectively dead in the water after a joint motion to annul the town’s site plan review was filed in Franklin County Superior Court.All three parties in the appeal abutter and plaintiff.
DEERFIELD The proposed North Main Street park project is effectively dead in the water after a joint motion to annul the town’s site plan review was filed in Franklin County Superior Court.All three parties in the appeal abutter and plaintiff.
DEERFIELD – The proposed North Main Street park project is effectively dead in the water after a joint motion to annul the town’s site plan review was filed in Franklin County Superior Court. All three parties in the appeal abutter and plaintiff.
SOUTH DEERFIELD Voters will have an opportunity to weigh in on the addition of a planning and economic development coordinator, capital requests for the Highway Department and South County EMS, as well as a revised accessory dwelling unit bylaw at.
DEERFIELD Voters will have an opportunity to weigh in on the addition of a planning and economic development coordinator, capital requests for the Highway Department and South County EMS, as well as a revised accessory dwelling unit bylaw at Annual.