last year in 2012, only four american women out of 181 million american women filled out any sort of a form to run for governor. and we ve long known with. women don t enter into political races. it is not that women are not competitive. the work by sarah fulton out of texas a & m. she finds when the odds of winning are below 20%, all of the candidates are men. when the odds go from 20% to 50 or 40%, women will jump into the race even more than men will. but sometimes to take the risk. whether it is in silicon valley or politics, the odds weren t that great for president obama when he started running for president. it means being willing to overcome the odds and not look for the sure thing. po, krystal brought up tournament tennis. when you re like 8 and 9 and 10 years old, you see some kids are dying to win and some kids accept that the other kid is