For the first 100 years or so from becoming independent in 1844, the Dominican Republic had a legal system based on French law, specifically on the Napoleonic Codes – civil, civil procedure, commercial, criminal and criminal procedure –
For the first 100 years or so from becoming independent in 1844, the Dominican Republic had a legal system based on French law, specifically on the Napoleonic Codes – civil, civil procedure, commercial, criminal and criminal procedure –
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As most of the productive sectors in
the country, the Dominican Republic s real estate sector has
not been able to escape the COVID-19 outbreak s
impact. Amidst this new reality,
it is indispensable to weigh in how this
pandemic as well as the measures taken by the
Dominican authorities to respond to it, will
affect ongoing real estate transactions, whose normal
course has been interrupted by the pandemic. The analysis of these
transactions will always depend
on the purchasing method and negotiation, and the
effects on the negotiation terms that the state