you can decide whether the man in the video looks like someone who minutes before had been in a fight for his life. this police surveillance video begins with george zimmerman being taken out of a patrol car at sanford police headquarters. he s wearing the same red jacket and blue jeans that he was wearing when he came across trayvon martin. now, the police report says he was bleeding from the nose and back of the head and was examined by emts at the scene before being taken in for question. an attorney who consulted with sdplim zim believes that martin broke zimmerman s nose. we have frozen a portion of the video showing his nose and face so you can look more carefully and see if it s consistent with the kind of fight that zimmerman describes. granted, it s surveillance video. it s not up close and the angle obviously could be better. but it s full of clues. here the officer touches zimmerman s sleeve and a few minutes later wipes off his hand. is it blood? that s a question
and blue jeans that he was wearing when he came across trayvon martin. who is on his way home from the 7/11 with a bag of skittles and an iced tea. now, the police report says he was bleeding from the nose and back of the head and was examined by emts at the scene before being taken in for questioning. attorney sonner says he believes that martin broke zimmerman s nose. we have frozen a portion of the video showing his nose and face so you can look more carefully and see if it s consistent with the kind of fight that zimmerman describes. granted, it s surveillance video. it s not up close and the lighting is not good and the angle obviously could be better. but it s full of clues. here the officer touches zimmerman s sleeve and a few minutes later wipes off his hand. is it blood? that s a question. and then you see here the officer looks at the back of zimmerman s head. he takes a good look at it. he s clearly looking at something. the question, though, is he looking at the k
world news begins with george zimmerman being taken out of a patrol car at sanford police headquarters. he s wearing the same red jacket and blue jeans that he was wearing when he came across trayvon martin who was on his way home from the 7-eleven with a bag of skittles and an iced tea. now, the police report says he was bleeding from the nose and back of the head and was examined by emts at the scene before being taken in for questioning. attorney sonner says he believes that martin broke zimmerman s nose. we have frozen a portion of the video showing his nose and face so you can look more carefully and decide whether it s consistent with the kind of fight that zimmerman described. granted, it s surveillance video. it s not up close and the lighting is not good and the angle obviously could be better. but it s full of clues. here the officer touches zimmerman s sleeve and a few seconds later wipes off his hand. is it blood? that s a question. and then you see here the offi