Mastercard is distributing a new bank card next year that aims to help customers with vision impairments. The card has notches cut into the sides to help customers find the right card by touch alone.
Mastercard is distributing a new bank card next year that aims to help customers with vision impairments. The card has notches cut into the sides to help customers find the right card by touch alone.
Mastercard is distributing a new bank card next year that aims to help customers with vision impairments. The card has notches cut into the sides to help customers find the right card by touch alone.
Mastercard is distributing a new bank card next year that aims to help customers with vision impairments. The card has notches cut into the sides to help customers find the right card by touch alone.
Mastercard is distributing a new bank card next year that aims to help customers with vision impairments. The card has notches cut into the sides to help customers find the right card by touch alone.