getting a fork in the road and choosing the right fork. we got a chance to play with a variety of music players. and they sucked. so we decided, steve said, you know, go build a music player. so i assembled a small team to take a look at what it would take to do it, and the conclusion was the technology really wasn t ready yet. then in february of 2001, toshiba guys brought out the 1.8 inch hard drive. as soon as i saw that, i go, that s what we need to build the ipod. so i went to steve, and i go okay, i know how to do it now, i need $10 million. and steve goes okay, i ll write you a $10 million check. i went to fred to make sure the check wouldn t bounce. and fred said yeah, you know, go, and so i started ramping the team up. and you know, we delivered the ipod later that year. one, two, three, four, tell me that you love me more