Passengers on that cruise ship jeff. Yeah, martha, they are relieved and elated when they finally saw the cruise ship that their son and daughterin law were on and we were there to share in the moment. This is the first video from new jersey tonight as the anthem of the seas pulled into port just before 9 00. You can just make out the passengers watching as they approached land. Oh, wonderful, youre safe. Bob and lipped linda couldnt help but cheer when we showed them pictures of the people that were there. It hit rough weather on sunday. Many harrowing hours of rough seas. 30foot waves caused damage like this. These videos were taken by passengers on the ship. The couple was on their way to the bahamas and was going to but the ship headed back to jersey instead. The couple received a text from them today. Were anxious to hear from them. He said he will call in the morning. Bob said his son and daughterinlaw had been looking forward to this trip for quite a long time. Now its unclear w