Conservative MPs are staring down the barrel of a gun. Unless voters get to see illegal migrants being marched off planes in Rwanda before poll-ing day, they face electoral annihilation.
SIR – The Post Office scandal (Letters, January 13) has not just opened people’s eyes to what happened to others; it has also shown us what could happen to any innocent person in an age where an organisation’s reputation is protected at all costs.
The Prime Minister, who faces a rebellion by dozens of Tory MPs today, said he was determined to end the legal merry-go-round that has prevented any migrants being sent to the east African state.
On Sunday evening, the Cabinet met for a dinner in No10. But one item on the menu was more tricky to digest - a devastating YouGov poll published that night predicting a Tory wipeout.
When Rishi Sunak vowed to do whatever it takes to stem the tide of migrant boats, he was speaking for the law-abiding majority who want to end illegal immigration.