watch this, because it s a volatile situation, and talk about not putting up with bull. federal agents seizing cattle. the problem is this. his cows were grazing on public land set up ideally to protect the desert tortoises, among others. he said he was on the land long before the government got involved. the tortoise has the edge on this one. i had tortoise soup, and i am in favor of the rancher. why are the cows a danger to the tortoise? i think they destroy the environment the tortoise live on. it s interesting, because it shows a certainty vied in the democratic party. t one of the main forces in the democratic party besides unions
if you haven t seen it, buy a tick. we hope you ll be there with us. tivo, you know, not the kind of thing you want to watch the next day. kind of want to watch the ball drop at the exact moment be, so we hope you ll be with us, 11 p.m., this saturday night. as we ring in the new year, several states will be ringing in brand new laws, especially in lifornfornia. and who better to tell us about those than trace gallagher live in l.a.? reporter: m.k., i just hope you weren t hankering for some shark fin soup. shark fins will be outlawed. you can t trade em, can t sell em, right? so it s tortoise soup for you. here s some other things raising eyebrows. california the first state to mandate gay history teaching which means you ve got to go in and teach kids about bisexual, gay and lesbian contributions to history, and you can do it as early as first grade. speaking of kids, in california they will now have to remain in car seats until they re 8 years old or 49 inches, whichever