Toby Heaps, the ‘candidate for human mayor,’ said he is campaigning 16 hours per day and has invested his own money, with a fundraising goal of $10,000 through the campaign.
Myer Siemiatycki, professor emeritus at TMU, says Chow handled the brunt of questions from the other four top contenders who attended last night's debate.
Myer Siemiatycki, professor emeritus at TMU, says Chow handled the brunt of questions from the other four top contenders who attended last night’s debate.
Not since David Miller left office in 2010 has a progressive candidate stood a better chance of winning the mayor's seat, said Zack Taylor, a political science professor.
For some mayoral byelection candidates the Toronto Maple Leafs playoff run has been the perfect conversation starter, but for others, it is a headache for campaign logistics.