tony ornato and mark meadows we do not know when the committee asked ornato, he simply could not remember committee staff, do yo remember speaking to chief o staff meadows about any of you concerns about the threats going intojanuary 6th? i don t recall in my position, i would ve mad sure that he was tracking th demos where he received a dail brief, presidential briefing he was most likely getting all of this in his daily brief a well he would know what was in hi intelligence trip that day but it would ve made sure that h was tracking these things an mentioned, hey, are yo tracking the demos if he gave me a yeah, i don recall it today, but i m sur that was something that took place. it s very hard to parse exactl what tony ornato is saying there. the committee also notes tha despite the testimony from cassidy hutchinson another witness that tony ornato tel them about trump s ornat behavior - ornato said he could not recal
Fa vuit dies que s ha acabat l estiu i hem tornat a la rutina. Encara no direm normalitat perquè fins que no puguem desterrar la mascareta, no podrem fer servir aquesta paraula. Se n va el bon temps-.
La congressista demòcrata Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, coneguda com a AOC, ha tornat a revolucionar el debat polític als EUA amb l assistència a la gal·la del Metropolitan Museum of Art de Nova York,.
TV3 ha tornat a apostar per la saga de James Bond per seduir als espectadors que, sense poder aplacar la febre dels dissabtes a la nit a les discoteques, s estan a casa. Ja porta dos estius fent-ho.
A les comarques centrals, la temporada ha tornat a ser bona, semblant a la del 2020, però s han trobat amb més anul·lacions d última hora per positius de Covid-19, com assenyala Oriol Baños, president.