imposed by a judge. just a beating and death. last night, the memphis police department released for videos from january 7th, the night that the 20 nine-year-old tyre nichols was stopped by police in beaten by five officers. nichols was hospitalized in critical condition. he died three days later. the five officers involved were arrested on thursday. they were charged with second degree murder. one count of aggravated coal. two counts of aggravated kidnapping. two counts of official misconduct, and one count of official oppression. i want to be clear, what led to those charges and what you re about to see is a lynching caught on camera in america in 2023. and i do need to win, you this video is graphic and it is upsetting. the first part of camera footage shows tyre nichols first encounter with police. he stopped at an intersection, and then officer seen opening nichols car door and pulling him out violently in urgently. you can hear nickel say, i didn t do anything. get ou
said they had a good song, everybody some is good, but my son, he actually was a good boy. my son was a beautiful sal, and he touched everybody. tyre nichols and his stepfather rodney wells were very close. mr. while said himself, i was tyrese stepfather, but you can take a step out of it, because that was my son. they were together at fedex on the same shift. they followed a daily routine, created a tradition of sorts, not just for tyreek stepfather, but s mother to. as attorney ben crump explained, torino stop father to camille break at the same time every day. his mother, a home where they all lived, would prepare a meal and with become. now, every day at the same time, she will be waiting. waiting for her son to walk through the door. but only one of them will appear. rowvaughn wells has not pontiff to watch the video yet, that is according to mr. crump. his father ron explain what it was like hearing his son s final words. he was calling for his
i didn t do anything. turn your [bleep] around. all right, all right. on the ground, on the ground. you don t do that, okay? get on the [bleep] ground. i will tease york [bleep]. turn around. but on the ground. get on the ground. all right. look at the bottom left of your screen. a taser comes out, and now things are about to go horribly wrong. i will break your [bleep]. churned the [bleep] around. put your hands behind your back. you guys are really doing a lot right now? stop. i m just trying to go home. i m on the ground. but your hands on your stomach. stop, i m not doing