The documentary features world-renowned National Geographic photographer Carlton Ward Jr. and was written and directed by Eric Bendick. Tom Winston of Grizzly Creek Films produced alongside Carlton Ward Jr. and Tori Linder of Wildpath. Award-winning actor and activist Leonardo DiCaprio serves as executive producer with Jennifer Davisson, Phillip Watson of Read more […]
Sundial host Carlos Frías sits down with Leslie Gelrubin Benitah on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day to talk about "The Last Ones," her online project. She travels around South Florida, and the world, interviewing some of the last living Holocaust survivors to educate younger generations.
The film "Path of the Panther", produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, follows the endangered species and the people in Florida on the front lines trying to save the state's biggest cat. Tori Linder, another producer with the film, joins WLRN's Carlos Frías to talk about growing up around Florida's wild environment and how this with ongoing efforts to save these creatures.