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Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary women’s organization for educators, conducted a Zoom meeting online for its regularly scheduled December meeting. Sixteen members, along with State President Virginia Howard from Cheyenne and Northwest Vice President Susan Rae Long, also from Cheyenne, joined in the online meeting conducted by chapter president Marguerite Russold. Additional guests included Karen Santos, Regional
Membership Chairman from Washington; Karen Kelley, State Treasurer, from Cheyenne; and Tori Lesher, state Altruistic Chairman, from Cheyenne.
For introductions, Russold asked each member to share a clue to their favorite Christmas song, and members guessed the song based on the clue. Chaplain Barb Twomey read the thought for the day. Twomey shared parts of letters written by teachers from around the world concerning their thoughts about teaching during 2020 and the pandemic. Secretary Dena Lyon read the minutes from the last business meeting in November.
ROCK SPRINGS â Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary womenâs organization for educators, conducted a Zoom meeting for its December event.
Sixteen members, State President Virginia Howard from Cheyenne and Northwest Vice President Susan Rae Long from Cheyenne joined in the online meeting conducted by chapter president Marguerite Russold. Additional guests included Karen Santos, regional membership chairwoman from Washington; Karen Kelley, state treasurer from Cheyenne; and Tori Lesher, state altruistic chairwoman from Cheyenne.
For introductions, Russold asked members to each share a clue to their favorite Christmas song, which the women then tried to guess. Chaplain Barb Twomey read the thought for the day and shared letters about teaching during 2020 and the pandemic from around the world. Secretary Dena Lyon read the minutes from the business meeting in November.