Beef Week draws large crowd to weekly cattle sale The cow price reached 339c/kg at the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange Prime and Store Cattle Sale last Wednesday. Picture: Contributed
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A packed crowd of spectators watched on as the cow price reached 339c/kg at the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange Prime and Store Cattle Sale last Wednesday, a 12c/kg surge compared to the previous sale.
TopX Gracemere’s Morgan Harris said Beef Australia 2021 had increased onlookers and added a few extra buyers to the bidding gallery.
“Across the board, the market was firm to dearer,” Mr Harris said.
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Yearling cattle was popular at the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange (CQLX) Prime and
Store Cattle Sale on Wednesday, with a southern operator snapping up a line of Droughtmaster heifers for 490c/kg to use as breeders.
G Perry from Nine Mile supplied the Droughtmaster cattle, with the heifers weighing in at 234kg to return $1150/head, while a local backgrounder secured the steers from the same run for 550c/kg, which weighed 265kg to equal $1460/head.
TopX Gracemere Morgan Harris said all young cattle sold to a firm market, and the heifer price had climbed compared to last week, with the average price for yearling heifers between 434c/kg to 489c/kg.