Sri Sathya Sai District: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy released Rs 2,977 crore under the YSR Free Crop Insurance scheme pertaining to the 2021-Kharif season directly into the accounts of 15.61 lakh farmers in an event held at Chenne Kothapalli village in Sri Satyasai district on Tuesday. Speaking on the occasion the Chief Minister said that Ananthapur
Vijayawada Girl Suicide Note: VIJAYAWADA: The incident of the suicide of a minor girl in Vijayawada alleging sexual harassment by a leader of opposition Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has sent shock waves in the city and sparked public outrage across the State on Sunday. People, women welfare organizations, and the YSR Congress Party leaders have demanded that the TDP leader named