customer is and then sell to them. finally, let s get to the last question. it s about setting boundaries on social media. when it comes to social marketing and there s this real big push for facebook and twitter, can you ever be too personal? i think a lot of times we reveal a lot of information about our business or personal information about us but can that bite you in the butt down the line? i think jay, the easy answer to that is yes, you can be too personal. absolutely. it gets down to branding. i once went on someone s website. she was she had a salon and did a thing about her background and talked about how she used to be a fortune teller. i don t know that that s helping sell the services she s now selling. while it was honest and personal, i don t know that it was going to help her mission of being a top notch salon. there s so much talk about being authentic and being yourself, you could see a fuzzy line between what should i be