slogan repeated across ads in the series. it s a lot to talk about, and here with us to do just that, eugene robinson, pulitzer prize-winning columnist from the washington post. and tim miller, former communications director for jeff bush. gentlemen, welcome. you both have the west words, it s just that the polish turk committee hasn t seller settled on to mueller s work yet, we re gonna get. they re speaking of your words tim, i m gonna quote from what you wrote for the bulwark. there is been no evidence to date that democrats have a coordinated or even on coordinated plan to sell this legislation. if anything, they are playing into the republicans hands by litigating the top line spending number, rather than the more popular particulars of the bill. tim, what you re describing has a technical, political term for it, and it s called i believe, pills piss poor messaging. yeah, i mean i wish i didn t
think we re going to see back and forth on the top line spending number. arthel: you mentioned the next couple of weeks because they have to have something according to the speaker by october 31st. do you think the democrats can coalesce and come together for a passable bill by then? well, arthel, i remember when people were joking about how the previous administration had infrastructure week and how that dragged on forever. i think those jokes might be coming to haunt democrats because they are realizing how difficult it is to get something done on infrastructure now, something that, you know, both republicans and democrats seem to agree with on roads and bridges. on the other part, the soft infrastructure package, i think that what democrats are confronting right now is a real trust deficit because you had moderates who were furious that their progressive colleagues lobbied against an infrastructure bill that they supported, and i think that if you look at the statement from sine
rest i wish we had more time. reporter: at issue progressives still are unwilling to budge on passing a $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal until they can get a guarantee that the much bigger $3.5 trillion social safety net expansion is passed as well. after a lengthy meeting with house speaker nancy pelosi progressives are holding firm. she is maintaining the vote could take place today. there s always a chance as i said to you yesterday. reporter: part of what is holding progressives back is the massive difference in a top line spending number between her caucus and the desires of hold out moderates like west virginia s joe manchin. i don t fault any of them who believe they are much more progressive and liberal. god bless them. all they need to do is we have to elect more i guess for them to get theirs elect more liberals. reporter: a new document reveals what manchin told senate majority leader chuck schumer he wanted several weeks ago. manchin didn t want the debate to b
of changes in the tax code. but it was a net because they found revenues in other places, a net of 1.7. throwing numbers around at this point is really dangerous because it may be a top line spending number and i think the what we need to focus on is the benefits of what we propose to the american people and not the cost. we finally in this country are asking questions in the right order. we ask first what do we need to do to serve the american people? and then secondly how do we resource it? i m excited about that and i think the american people are, as well. chairman yarmuth, i ll be interested to see how it plays politically because republicans will call it a $6 trillion package until you call it something else. chairman yarmuth of kentucky, thank you. the mayor of surfside says the rescue operations will continue around the clock until
taxes for businesses while removing people from food stamps. that s a lesson, when we re removing taxes from the obama care taxes on higher income people and removing people from medicaid, that s not a very good optic. to put it mildly. i m. go ahead. that was my point. that s a lesson i think we need to learn. i think we have to focus the reconciliation instructions on tax reform, get a responsible top line spending number and move forward on tax reform. i think we should save the mandatory changes for another day because of the optical situation that s created. when it comes to a fight over funding for the border wall, is that going to get in the budget? i suspect there might be some additional money for establishing operational control of the border. i don t think it s going to be a huge amount of money. i think the bill passed just a few weeks ago $1.6 billion to help implement part of the