there is a lot of stepping already been taken already. long-term is whether he wants to cash in capability for food and cash. and incident grating his economy into the region and the world. those questions remain to be answered. what we know today is that the president is taking the presource core step which is to establish the relationship with kim jong un on which everything depends. sean: there was one political point, dr. gorka, making before this. you know, it s interesting. every economic measure and 500 plus days. fairly remarkable. compared to 8 years of obama. everybody who said donald trump couldn t win the primary. couldn t win a general election. that thought trump s economy would tank. and that this day would never occur because he called little rocket man and talked about fire and fury. if they had any intellectual honesty, democrats and the media would be eating crow.
i m thought so sure how interesting the shower part would be. sean: thanks a lot, daniel, the level of interest is so high in this summit. tracking us, the russians and chinese in particular. sean: you say highest level. you were very were tes that they that electronic communications are being horn tored everywhere here. no getting away from it. my estimation that the chinese and the russians in particular have mounted a full-court press in order to determine in order to collect as much intelligence as they can. they are pretty wide in scope when they do that they know this is an extraordinarily important meeting. one of the things that the president has done to his credit is that he has kind of shut out russia and china two party of the six party talk who are not holding our interest at part. by doing that and trying to leverage our bilateral engagement with north korea. i have think he has had much more success. they are trying to influence
have solidified greatly and is very under reported. how big a factor is it? the biggest factor these talks today of a player who is not in that room right now is china. and the fact that china after that dessert and the chocolate cake and the 59 criewstles missiles. sean: you heard the story, too. indeed. there was some kind of gelling at mar-a-lago. afterwards they didn t produce what the president expected. when the president got even more serious. when he sent those tweets about beijing did not step up to the plate what happened? beijing stopped buying north korean coal. one of the few things they had. sean: that was huge. american. in our banking sector sanctions north korea. somebody told you a year ago china is going to help them
it s utter, utter genius. sean: one of the other things this is party of the lead up to this. very interesting. the president, that is his sort of power posed if you look if you noticed with inister trudeau, all of a sudden he was sitting back and saw president trump leaning forward like this and he went into the president smiling. he are both smiling. these are the niceties, planned in advance. orchestrated in advance. one interesting point, there is a differing policies as it relates to foreign policy. there is a philosophy of reagan. peace through strength. trust but verify. the berlin wall came down. then there is the philosophy of bill clinton he tried to bribe kim jong il with $3 billion in energy subsidies and told the american people this is a good deal are to the american people. it wasn t. he got nuclear weapons u like there is no cargo planes being sent here of cash and other currencies like obama sent to the mull also a in iran a very big
intelligence to make good. one the first steps he made behind the tweens is to bring back clan destin service officers native korean speaker with extraordinary expertise in the region. and andrew kim who accompanied mike pompeo on that easter weekend trip to pyongyang and he has played a really critical behind the scenes role. i do know him. sean: everybody here we have all been meeting and talking with each other. everybody here can verify. this he scares the living daylights out of you. daniel offman and i mean n complementary way. every is, of course, being recorded. when you take a thampsz the chinese and russians. you have been tell me since you got here. i m sure it s true. not the shower part. i m hoping it s a slight level of discretion here.