Worship furnishings dedicated during April 13 special service at Lakeview Assisted Living 7:30 am, May 16, 2021 ×
Among the items recently purchased as gifts to Lakeview Assisted Living in Heron Lake are an altar, altar cross, communion tray, chalice, candles, candle lighter, followers (they sit at the top of the candle to contain the wax drippings), altar linens and hymnals. (Submitted photo)
Members of Evangelical Lutheran Church received a grant of $2,000 from the Endowment Fund of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod (SW MN Synod) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) for their Lakeview Worship Enhancement Project in 2019. The members completed their project in the spring of 2021, and dedicated the worship furnishings during a May 11 special service at Lakeview Assisted Living, Heron Lake.