Reviews: Icarus Peel s Acid Reign, The Sweet, Kraut Rock, Fleur de Lys, 70s Classic Rock, Global Village Trucking Company, Duke Reid
by Dave Thompson
Shallow Oceans (CD/LP)
(Billywitch Records)
Mr Peel, of Honeypot and Crystal Jacqueline fame, has been absent from these pages for a while now - indeed, it’s more than two years since his Acid Reign alter-ego last strutted its raucous stuff. But
Shallow Oceans makes up for lost time with one of the finest guitar rock albums of recent memory… and that’s Guitar with a capital aaaaarrrrggghhhh, and Rock with the headful of concrete that Peel is clearly banging against the wall whenever he needs a drum break. (With apologies, of course, to percussionist Jay Robertson.)