Helen Harvey07:00, Apr 29 2021
Not long before he left for World War II, Wilson (Bill) Penman saved an 8-year-old Les Hine from drowning.
When Les Hine was 8 years old, he fell into a swimming pool and nearly drowned. There are things you never forget, Hine, now 90, said. ‘’Like you’re calling for help, but you’re calling underwater. ‘’I’ve always known Bill Penman saved my life and shortly after that he goes away to war. I’ve always had him to thank for my life.’’ Hine’s memories came flooding back on Saturday when his sister alerted him to the story
Millions of letters, cards and telegrams sent to and from our servicemen and women sent during times of war now sit inside Kiwi’s homes, kept in old chocolate boxes, satchels or gathered together in old envelopes, often out of sight of everyday life. Two months ago the
Taranaki Daily News joined other
Stuff newspapers to ask Kiwis to share these treasures – to remember, honour and preserve them. The response was an avalanche. Kivell, 82, spreads out the letters and cards of his uncle. And pulls a book from his satchel,
Lest We Forget, a tribute to the 227 men from New Plymouth Boys’ High School who went to war and didn’t come back.
Joseph Johnson/Stuff
The annual RSA Poppy Day Appeal will take place on the streets, and online, from Friday April 16.
Volunteers will be out in force throughout Taranaki today for the annual Poppy Day Appeal. Following last year’s campaign, which was carried out online during the Covid19 lockdown and raised $247,000 nationally, this year s appeal will return to the streets, although online donations will also be accepted. New Plymouth Returned and Services Association committee member Tony Kivell said volunteers with collection buckets will be out in force in central New Plymouth and outer suburbs from 9am-3pm on Friday, nine days before the annual commemoration of ANZAC Day.