SculptureCenter presents a solo exhibition by Tolia Astakhsihvili, the artists selected from our 2024 In Practice Open Call, and Struggle With Art, series of meetings that aim to address issues facing the arts community in New York.
WHEN ARTISTS SPACE REOPENED on New York’s Cortlandt Alley in 2019, the building’s entrance moved and a beautiful basement carved out and cubed, there were water bottles (Dasani, Snapple, Poland Spring) spread out across the floor full of urine of different hues. Dazzled by the newness of the space, my eyes, somewhat annoyingly, kept shifting downward to look at these funky things (in part to avoid tripping over them), only to be hit by a wave of repulsion and embarrassment. Here I was, a grown and credentialed man a critic! staring at piss, leisurely scratching my chin. If you walk around New