RV Travel
Members News for RVers #989, Sunday edition
February 28, 2021
Welcome to RVtravel.com, the most-read consumer website about RVing in North America with 140,000 registered subscribers. We support a free press and believe that it is essential to a democracy. At RVtravel.com, you will learn about RV camping, RV travel, RV news and much more. This newsletter, now in its 20th year of continuous publication, is increasingly made possible by the voluntary subscription contributions from our readers.
Thank you!
Members edition
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RV Travel
February 26, 2021
Issue 1545
Welcome to another edition of RV Travel’s Daily Tips newsletter. Here you’ll find helpful RV-related and living tips from the pros, travel advice, a handy website of the day, tips on our favorite RVing-related products and, of course, a good laugh. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate you. Please tell your friends about us.
Today’s thought
“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.”―
Friedrich Nietzsche
Need an excuse to celebrate? Today is National Pistachio Day!
On this day in history: 1919 – President Woodrow Wilson signs an Act of Congress establishing the Grand Canyon National Park.
RV Travel
February 25, 2021
Issue 1544
Welcome to another edition of RV Travel’s Daily Tips newsletter. Here you’ll find helpful RV-related and living tips from the pros, travel advice, a handy website of the day, tips on our favorite RVing-related products and, of course, a good laugh. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate you. Please tell your friends about us.
Today’s thought
Bruce Lee
Need an excuse to celebrate? Today is National Clam Chowder Day!
On this day in history: 1836 – Samuel Colt is granted a United States patent for his revolver firearm.
Tip of the Day
By Gail Marsh
RV Travel
February 23, 2021
Issue 1542
Welcome to another edition of RV Travel’s Daily Tips newsletter. Here you’ll find helpful RV-related and living tips from the pros, travel advice, a handy website of the day, tips on our favorite RVing-related products and, of course, a good laugh. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate you. Please tell your friends about us.
Today’s thought
“If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” ―
Thomas A. Edison
Need an excuse to celebrate? Today is National Dog Biscuit Day!
On this day in history: 1927 – U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signs a bill by Congress establishing the Federal Radio Commission (later replaced by the Federal Communications Commission) which was to regulate the use of radio frequencies in the United States.
RV Travel
February 21, 2021
Welcome to RVtravel.com, the most-read consumer website about RVing in North America with 140,000 registered subscribers. We support a free press and believe that it is essential to a democracy. At RVtravel.com, you will learn about RV camping, RV travel, RV news and much more. This newsletter, now in its 20th year of continuous publication, is increasingly made possible by the voluntary subscription contributions from our readers.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
By Russ and Tiña De Maris
Planning your RV trips for this year? You might add a little more money for RV park fees. We say this as we’ve been reading with interest (and trepidation) an article appearing in trade journal