conned, right. like when you finally realize and the shades pulled from your eyes, and you just look back at all of the different warning signs you should have picked up on. reporter: well stockton met with the committee for seven hours and he added that he believes this is a thorough substantive investigation and not, as some people have tried to characterize it, a political witch hunt. thank you very much. we re joined now by a member of the january 6 select committee representative stephanie murphy. she s also the chief deputy whip for house democrats, representative thanks so much for joining us. as you heard, cnn has confirmed it was republican congressman jim jordan who messaged mark meadows the day before the january 6 attack with a plan to try to block the electoral count. these are your own colleagues, why isn t the committee itself naming which lawmakers were texting meadows, so far you re keeping those names secret?
of the omicron variant as the cdc now forecasts a rise in covid deaths in the coming weeks. dr. fauci is standing by live. he will discuss all of these disturbing developments, the pandemic is escalating right now here in the united states. then president biden just got a firsthand look at tornado destruction in kentucky. he s calling it beyond belief and vowing to do whatever it takes to help communities rebuild. we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world, i m wolf blitzer and you re in the situation room. we begin with the insurrection investigation, key witness mark meadows now just one step away from potential prosecution for failing to comply fully with the january 6 committee. whitney wild is working the story for us. you have new information right
how americans are viewing inflation that has hit a 39-year high, issue after issue, americans are feeling the price increases and that is why you have seen the white house focused on the months ahead. thank you very much. coming up, mark meadows could become the first former white house chief of staff since watergate to face criminal charges. i ll ask the legendary journalist bob woodward on the case against mark meadows an how the january 6 investigation compares to the scandal that brought down richard nixon. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? it feels amazing. when you get a great offer in seconds. (all cheering) it feels too good to be true. it s kicking back and relaxing as we pick up your car.
suggesting that mark meadows wrote 700-page diary, but maybe somebody did. and the technology during the nixon period, the nixon tapes, is 20 pound tape recorders were in a closet right beneath the oval office and hooked into five microphones in the resolute desk. and so the question is, who has some documents, as we know, can you make tape recordings, just with your cell phones. i mean who was doing that in the trump white house? or was trump doing it. so you re saying potentially there is a lot of information out there that could really get us better educated on what exactly happened. mark meadows, potentially if the justice department decides to, could face criminal charges. bob halderman, the white house chief of staff and after watergate he went to jail for a year and a half.
now about who was behind one of the explosive text messages to meadows. we are learning it was representative jim jordan who texted mark meadows this, that as president of the senate, the vice president mike pence should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral vo votes at all. as committee seeks to learn what mark meadows knows and what he did. reporter: tonight mark meadows fate now resting in the hands of the justice department. the resolution is adopted. reporter: after the house voted to hold the former white house chief of staff in contempt of congress. we don t take this step lightly. mr. meadows is in contempt, he must testify. reporter: republicans liz cheney and adam kinzinger who sit on the committee agree to pursue criminal charges against