students and their families and like the university doesn t care about human rites. the dining hall initially removed the soda pop, but after an investigation the university surprisingly changed its mind. he wrote in a statement, harvard s procurement should not and will not be driven by individuals views of highly contested merits of political controversy. greg, why don t they take a tip these are leftists, right? why not take a tip of what happened in cuba. they don t care. it is the poor people who are hurting, right? here is what they are doing. it is before ipods which are made in china and you think they would protest that? no. giving up something you don t use is a fake form of solidarity or protests.
he is white splaining. i am white splaining to a splainer. can you woman splain this? i would like to hear lucy splain it. nice. i am not saying we should have a more for yum on political debate. a politician should not be telling people to have yeah when did he ever want to stop protests before? that s what i am saying. until it turned bad it was their olympics. there was no reason for him why shouldn t he support the protesters? he is a hipocrite. i agree with that. joanne. yeah? i have a couple of questions. everything has been said. well, specifically, it is interesting greg said there are a lot of women at these protests. don t women have a good relationship aren t cops always polite to women?
to talk to the people in teacher s unions and other municipal unions they may find themselves getting a few votes. i was not aware, greg, i did not know at these protests there were a lot of undergraduate females. are these protests still going on? yes, they are. good to know. there is a great picture in the daily news of a girl, her face so close to a police officer s face. he had to just sit there and take it while she shouted at him. i am thinking, where in life are you allowed i mean it is legal to protest, but where are you allowed as an individual to do that? it gets to the point it is therapeutic. you are yelling at every man or every authority that put her down. what is the romance about protest? you heard this for the past few months, as long as they don t get violent why? why is shutting down a bridge good? they can talk about it the the next day. and in 20 years they can say remember the protest in new york, i was there, man. i was there.
if you want to boycott, that s great. to greg s point, you have to go all out. they should be looking at the cherry tomatoes because they are all from israel. quick question, that s for your mouth. it doesn t have to be. that s an off label use. they wouldn t have got it. you would think it is before that for the environment. i wouldn t have gn to people. time to take a break. restaurant allegiances when we return.
thinking. christmas has come early! let s welcome our guest. she is like audrey hepburn and breakfast at tiffany s. 3 i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. and he is like you know, forgettable, andy levey. he has a beard on his face and one on on his marriage license, joe devito. he has his first comedy album called first date with joe devito. you can pre order it now at shop . rooftop that s a lot of dots and coms. and he has a busy week coming up. he will be making wooden rocking horses for the good boys and girls. next to me, greg gutfeld. did you know his latest book is called not cool and it makes a great gift for those you don t like. a block. the lede. that s the first story.