well, learn how one artist has created amazing new perspectives, more on math, coming up in today s show. hi everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of your own max with me your host. megan lee. here s what else we ve got in store for you today. how 2nd hand material can be transformed into high fashion and will learn what makes the classic grief dish or soccer so popular? well, you ve heard it before. one man s trash is another man s treasure. the next time you throw away a towel, it might just end up on a fashion to runway, thanks to french designer marine there. she s made a career out of taking 2nd hand items and turning them into fashion pieces. but for her, it s about reusing material that already exists in order to cut down on waste and help the environment. and her efforts have developed quite a celebrity. following french designer marine says new collection is glamorous and trendy, but it s not new. a closer look reveals that this apparel is made of old towe