Try to prevent that from happening. This is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and armed the world. Welcome to your new day. President trump is back home from asia and he has to hit the ground running. His tax plan is at a critical phase. He is yet to weigh in on roy moore. So on taxes, Senate Republicans unveiled their revised tax bill. It comes in the form of a major curveball to democrats. It includes a repeal of the individual mandate in obamacare. This is a move the president pushed for. It is is gaining support among conservatives in the house. They want to repeal the mandate in their bill as well. President trump also facing questions about roy moore. Mitch mcconnell suggest that he quit the race. Some conservative supporters backing away from him. And Jeff Sessions as a possible writein replacement as sessions gave another round of heated testimony on capitol hill terpbg what he knew about Trump Campaign interactions with r
the about-face just in the last few days, of all of these conservative voices have all decided, well, maybe we will not fight to the last ditch. they have private polling which suggests that. this is a lost cause. they will try anything. keep in mind the possibility of you have the democrat wins and flips to republican. it wouldn t be the first time it happens in that state. some of them, the tactic they re using, is running away. and we saw that literally happening with congressman mel brooks. tom younis was asking what do you think of moore? do you still support him? and i don t believe we sped up this tape. this is the real tape. watch the feed especially. do you believe roy moore over the? i believe that the democrats will great damage to our country. so you still believe roy moore? i believe that the democrats will do great damage to our