To register. As always, we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Washington journal is next. Is next. On thisod morning monday, january 13, the beginning of the legislative week in washington. Senators are preparing for votes on curbing the president s use of force against iran and starting an impeachment trial. Iran. St, your thoughts on what steps do you want lawmakers to take to limit the military did lasts the house week or support the administrations strategy. . Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. Active and retired military, we want to hear from you, 2027488003 is your number. You can text us on that line with your first, city, and state. We will get to your thoughts in a minute. Lets begin with the hill newspaper. Democrats scramble to reign in trumps iran war powers. Democrats are racing against the clock to shore up as the fight shifts to the senate. A lawmakers looking to limit trump possibility t
Sen. Bennet exactly. Thanks so much for taking your time this weekend to join us today. During the thanksgiving holiday, my older son and his girlfriend, someone we consider to be a daughter, shared with us that they had talked about not having children because of the potentially devastating changes related to global warming. Changes we can now see with our own eyes. Our children one generation back face decisions about serious issues that did not exist when we started out. I dont think it is an exaggeration to say that in addition to Climate Change, we face more threats to our way of life than any other time in u. S. History. Because of this, i feel this is the most important election of my life. We need leadership that has guide is guided by steadfast character and intellect. I also believe we need leadership that is not at the extreme left or right, but centered, practical and reasonable, responsible. Senator bennett has all of these qualities. He also has the educational background
Vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 51, the nays are 41. The nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the president be immediately notified of the senates actions. A. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell i move to proceed to legislative session. Special the presiding officer question is on the motion. All those in favor, say aye. Those opposed, say no. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes do have it. The motion is agreed to. Mr. Mcconnell i move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar number 487. The presiding officer question is on the motion. All those in favor, say aye. Those opposed, say no. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes do have it. The motion is agreed to. The clerk will report the nomination. The clerk nomination, robert the judiciary, robert
For general debate expired. The bill shall be considered for amendment under the fiveminute rule and consider as an orange bill the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on Natural Resources printed in the bill. The Committee Amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as read, no amendment to the Committee Amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be in order except those printed n part c of house report 116264, each such amendment be offered in the by the member designated in the report shall be considered read and shall be debatable equally divided, controlled by the proponent and opponent and not be subject to amendment and should not be subject to division of the question. It is now in order to consider amendment number 1 printed in part b of 116264, for what purpose does the gentlewoman from arizona seek recognition . Mr. Gosar as the designee of ms. Lesko, i have an amendment at the desk. The clerk amendment number 1 printed in
Kevin before i introduce the president , there is someone special in the audience, well, two people i want to introduce. One is my wife judy. [applause] there is a person that would be sitting in this room with us, one of our colleagues, that has now gone on to be the acting chief of staff for the president. Where is Mick Mulvaney . Mick, stand up please. [applause] kevin we are very proud of you, mick. All right. Tomorrow, 205 years ago, the british troops, after burning down the capital, attacked fort mchenry right here in baltimore. Of americane soldiers defended the forts. They fought for freedom, liberty, and against tierney. Vast,ds against him were but they did not break under the onslaught of the british bombs. No, the next morning they lowered their tattered battle flag, and in defiance, they footd a large 30 to 40 flag in its place. Fort mchenry was Still Standing was the message for all to see. The value its defenders fought to protect was Still Standing. And not just ending