we re not taking unnecessary risks. andrea? please stay safe. thank you so much. ron allen for your reporting. and tom tron is in rehoboth beach, delaware. you ve got a quieter situation but delaware is still at risk all of the coastal areas, those beaches are really threatened now. we just checked in with the governor s office, andrea. they are reporting right now that around 2,000 residents in the state of delaware are without power. we imagine that s going to get higher as we get through the evening. take a look at what s happening here in rehoboth beach. this is low tide. earlier this morning this beach was getting pummeled by high tide waves and if you come up here with me, be take a look at what it s been what it s done to this fence here, basically pushed this [ inaudible ] mentioning during the show here, is going to be around 8:00 and that s going to coincide with some of the strongest effects of this storm. so we imagine what you re seeing behind me is going to start
matter of perspective here. the navy say that is the f-18 was in the sky only a few seconds before it started going down. some of the witnesses that we heard from say they saw the jet just kind of floating almost, maybe it was in slow motion for them, but it was only in the sky for a few seconds. they say they saw the jet dumping fuel as it crashed and burned into the apartment complex. so it s a matter of perspective, but from the navy s perspective, the jet was only in the air for a few seconds before it started crashing. tom tron, thank you from virginia beach. now to politics, mitt romney is holding on to a considerable lead in the republican rye mare. still ahead are several key states including pennsylvania and texas, but the primary is increasingly becoming a sideshow of sorts as the main act, the general election, is already beginning. time to do the math now with mark murray, nbc news senior political editor. good morning to you, mark. got your calculator? here we go. i
rest today, alex,s and as for cooler weather, it doesn ts seem like there s going to be any coming this way in the south, especially in texas. as you heard, dallas is expecting triple digit heat well into next week. yeah. okay. nbc s tom tron there on a muggy morning in atlanta. an argument on a city bus ends in gunfire. those details straight ahead on msnbc saturday. when you re resonsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. my old contacts would sometimes move and blur my vision.