Class nosel noCC 01512 q rick overtonRick Overton 5, Geico 4, Brian Posehn 3, Tom Rhodes 2, Teresa Mannion 2, Chris Hardwick 2, Rory Albanese 2, J. D. Power 2, Taco Bells Grande Scrambler 2, Trump 1, Yentel 1, Hbo Now 1, Twins 1, Jingoistic Bullfrog Donald Trump 1, Samsung Galaxy S6 1, Tylenol 8hr Arthritis Pain 1, The Sea 1, Buffalo 1, Portland 1, Nice 1 Network Comedy Central Duration 00 31 00 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel v745 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 1920 Pixel height 1080 Audio Visual sound, color
When egyptians turned on their televisions, they saw someone they havent seen in more than four months, their former president. He was in court charged with incitement to cause murder. Some journalists were allowed in, but they had to check their phones, cameras and recording devices at the door. It was a carefully core gravelled media event which gave egyptianstate owned media control over how much attention morsi would receive. Thats as little as possible. Since morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were ousted, most have supported the transitional authorities. The voices of dissent are growing quieter. The governments backers seem to lack a sense of humor. Basa may. Ouusefs show was pulled minutes before going on the air after he mocked the public fervor for the egyptian army. His channel which stood shoulder to shoulder with yousef when the morsi government went with him wasnt willing do that. It suspended his broadcast. Our starting point this week is cairo where the army holds power a