The EU plan to keep Ukraine’s military stocked at a cost of up to €20 billion ($22.3 billion) under the so-called European Peace Facility would support Kiev for at least four years, per EU top diplomat Josep Borrell. Is the bloc really capable of walking the talk?
An impending crisis may soon flood the Potemkin villages of the EU economy, Tom Luongo, a geopolitical and financial analyst, publisher of the newsletter Gold, Goats n Guns, told Sputnik s New Rules podcast.
In this week’s episode of the New Rules podcast, host Dimitri Simes Jr. speaks with financial and geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo about the growing risk of a European banking collapse, NATO’s shrinking options to keep funding the proxy war in Ukraine, and why Biden needs China to bail out the US economy.
Since May 2008, Newsmax has published 128 consistently biased and inaccurate articles, commentaries, and "native advertising" masquerading as investigative journalism about the Global Warming Petition Project.
Luongo: Macron, NATO, & The Fate Of The Empire Part II Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, Last week I published my thoughts on what was…