The Clean Air Act, now undermined by the Supreme Court, exemplifies how the U.S. government once tackled “major questions”—and could again
To he editor: Everyone I know who has an opinion on the Saranac Lake Marina development, on both sides of the argument, without exception, would like to see the issue resolved. But blaming Tom Jorling for the delay is like blaming the little Dutch boy, who saved the day by putting his finger in the dike, for the leak. If you want to blame someone, blame the Adrondack Park Agency for not following its own law and regulations; blame the Department of Environmental Conservation for not developing an appropriate unit management plan with the long-promised carrying capacity study; blame the Town of Harrietstown Planning Board for ludicrously giving the project a negative SEQR determination; blame the Saranac Lake Marina for not proposing a phased plan for increasing the capacity of their marina that monitors lake use and grows in stages to ensure the lake’s capacity is not exceeded; blame the party bringing what most would agree is a SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Particip