San Angelo LIVE! is hosting a Conversation with the Candidates Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Sugg room on the third floor of the Stephens Central Library downtown.
San Angelo LIVE! is hosting a Conversation with the Candidates Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Sugg room on the third floor of the Stephens Central Library downtown.
This questionnaire project is designed to provide voters with as much information as possible along with the opportunity to engage the candidates in a substantive conversation before the election.
San Angelo Live! is accepting questions from readers to be included in a questionnaire to be sent to the six candidates who survived the primary election and are headed to the runoff.
Now it's your turn. San Angelo LIVE! is accepting questions from you to ask the candidates before early voting begins May 16, 2022. We will compile a list of your questions and present them to the candidates.