ainsley: is he fed up. steve: he had it up to here because trump was trying to stop things and biden not so much. here he is last night here on the channel. there is a fine line, tucker, between telling people we are not breaking the law and not enforcing it and being okay with that. some ice officials will tell you while the biden administration isn t telling us to break the law, but they are definitely telling you not to enforce it so, you know, if that s what you are going to split hairs on we are pretty much screwed as a country going down this road. i had a case who the guy was a convicted arsonist they called me and said hey, mr. feely, one of our criteria is if the guy hasn t been arrested in the past 10 years we need to let you go and we would like you to release them. i have say i totally get what you are saying he has been in prison 12 years that s why he hasn t been arrested the answer was we don t really care. he hasn t been rearrested in 10 years, whether he was in priso
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) March 28, 2022 Karl Chiao, executive director of the Dallas Historical Society (DHS), along with lead sponsors Stanley V. Graff and Reed