Given the frightening growth in the murder rate in Arkansas and the nation, it would be easy to yearn for a time when we all lived in harmony and safety. Although the details might be hazy, we remember it as a time when drive-by shootings were unknown, when people had respect for law and order, an era when substance abuse was unknown, when our children were safe.
Given the frightening growth in the murder rate in Arkansas and the nation, it would be easy to yearn for a time in history when we all lived in harmony and safety. Although the details might be hazy, we remember it as a time when drive-by shootings were unknown, when people had respect for law and order, an era when substance abuse was unknown, when our children were safe.
I wish we knew more about Jimmy Ward. A popular entertainer in Little Rock at the turn of the 20th century, Ward was well-known then and obviously well-liked, judging from the many positive things said about him in the local newspapers.
Imagine how Arkansas customers felt 100 years ago when Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. changed every phone number in the city of Little Rock, overnight.