Applying for state funding through iowas high quality jobs program. The Program Offers taxpayer funding to companies for creating a set number of jobs. The program also requires a matching contribution from the city where the company is located. The iedas agenda lists other iowa businesses under its Financial Assistance awards discussion. But the details are hard to come by. The agency is not releasing how much money dupontpioneer is applying for. Or the job creation goals tied to it. The lack of information ahead of tomorrows vote calls into question the programs claims that it is quote, administered in an efficient, accountable and transparent manner. Despite the apparent secrecy. Mayor paula dierenfeld. The city of johnston. And state are working hard to make sure pioneer stays deeply rooted in johnston. we do appreciate the fact that governor branstad, senator grassley and Debbie Durham with the ieda worked so hard with us in order to make the best pitch that we can to keep pioneer
BELFAST — On Wednesday, using an old adage, Genesee Valley/Belfast baseball coach Dennie Miles said his team “stole victory out of the jaws of defeat.”