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Recent years have seen remarkable successes against some of the most unpleasant illnesses on the planet.
While much of the world’s focus has been on the fight against Covid-19, the battle against other diseases rages on.
From the battle against hepatitis C in Egypt, to the war against metre-long parasitic worms, to the near elimination of sleeping sickness in the Ivory Coast, we hear the good news that you might have missed.
Produced and presented by Tom Colls
Image: Treating sleeping sickness in the Ivory Coast (Credit: Vincent Jamouneau) Show less
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Machines to shred, melt and mould waste plastic are popping up in workshops around the world - from the UK to Malaysia, Kenya to Mexico.
The project is being led by an organisation called Precious Plastic. They put designs for the devices online for anyone to download and build themselves.
More than 400 teams around the world are now taking on the challenge of plastic waste using these machines, making everything from sunglasses to plastic bricks in the process.
Presented and produced by Tom Colls
Image: Precious Plastic