Pawan Kalyan leads an incredible private life so fans are always happy when a glimpse of him or his family comes up on social media. While the Vakeel Saab star recently attended the wedding of his niece Niharika Konidela to Chaitanya Jonnalagadda in Udaipur, the actor’s youngest kids were missing from the revelry. The star had only taken along Akira Nandan and Aadhya, his children with ex-wife Renu Desai and his current wife Anna Lezhneva and children Polena Anjana Pawanova and Mark Shankar Pawanovich were nowhere to be seen at the festivities.
#Spotted: #PawanKalyan s wife #AnnaLezhneva clicked at #Hyderabad airport with their kids #Tollywood #AirportLook… https://t.co/BhRhRaRNtR— Hyderabad Times (@HydTimes) 1608181405000