Jun. 3—TOLLAND — June is dog licensing month and town officials are reminding residents there are penalties for not having pooches licensed. State law requires all dogs six months and older to be licensed in June. The fine for having an unlicensed dog is $75. The cost to license an altered dog, one that's been spayed or neutered, is $8. Unaltered dogs cost $19 to license. A dollar late fee per .
Cops: Car thieves intentionally hit police cruiser in getaway attempt
A weapon seized during an incident in Tolland, Conn., on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2021.Connecticut State Police / Contributed PhotoShow MoreShow Less
Malik Ivan Price, of Sanford Street in Hartford, Conn., was charged with reckless driving, evading responsibility, operating a motor vehicle without a license, carrying a pistol without a permit, illegal possession of a weapon in a motor vehicle, three counts risk of injury to a minor, conspiracy to commit home invasion, three counts of conspiracy to commit third-degree burglary, first-degree larceny, two counts of conspiracy to commit first-degree larceny, interfering with an officer/resisting, assault on a public safety officer, criminal use of a weapon, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, first-degree threatening and four counts of first-degree reckless endangerment.Connecticut State Police / Contributed PhotoShow MoreShow L