‘In the Name of Love’, a romance thriller written and directed by Vincentian film maker, Javed DaSouza, had its first major screening last Saturday, January 13, at the Russell’s Auditorium.
All Hallows' Eve , or Halloween, may not be a Jamaican cultural stable, but Asian pop culture event planners AnimeYado saw the opportunity to blend it with their niche entertainment product hos.
During the pandemic, the endless stream of lockdowns had most people flocking to online forms of entertainment, like popular social media site TikTok. One of the many enthralled in this trance was St Vincent film-maker Tolga Akcayli. On what seemed.
An anime project entitled “Jamaica No Duppy: Rise of the Conqueror” is causing much anticipation on social media since the release of its trailer TikTok in July 2023.
What began as an online joke from young Vincentian film-maker Tolga Akcayli has turned into his passion project Jamaica No Duppy Rise of the Conqueror, a comic book and animated feature that is .