The Tokyo Z Earthfriends suffered the same fate from their first match against the Fighting Eagles Nagoya with another 79-52 beatdown in Division II of the Japan B.League at the Ota City General Gymnasium Sunday, Oct. 24.
Juan Gomez de Liano (Japan B.League) Evans Luke led Nagoya with 14 points,
The Sendai 89ers used a payoff period surge to zoom past the Tokyo Z Earthfriends and Juan Gomez de Liano, 82-64, in their second meeting in Division II of the Japan B.League at the Ota City General Gymnasium Monday night, Oct. 18.
Juan Gomez de Liano (Japan B.League) Shota Watanabe led Sendai w
Juan Gomez de Liano and the Tokyo Z Earthfriends suffered an 84-61 drubbing from the Sendai 89ers and remained winless in five games in Division II of the Japan B.League at the Ota City General Gymnasium Sunday, Oct. 17.
Juan Gomez de Liano (Japan B.League) Devin Oliver unleashed 24 points, five