The Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium (SSS Promotion Consortium), led by Tokyo Tech, held an online technical forum titled Towards Super Smart Society in Carbon Neutral Era on March 10. The aim was to gain insights into a super smart society w
The Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium (SSS Promotion Consortium), led by Tokyo Tech, held an online technical forum titled Towards Super Smart Society in Carbon Neutral Era on March 10. The aim.
Tokyo Tech's Glocal Summer School gathered for another intensive online session of lectures and groupwork three hours a day from September 13 to 15. The program, launched in 2019 and held twice a year.
Published: June 28, 2021
On May 20, Tokyo Tech hosted a Tokyo Tech Global Webinar on the theme International Cooperation in Science and Technology Higher Education. The event featured talks by Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) Director General Romny Om and Tokyo Tech Vice President for International Affairs Jun-ichi Takada. More than 100 persons from Japan and overseas, including Cambodia, joined the webinar.
After an opening message from Tokyo Tech Executive Vice President for Education Tetsuya Mizumoto, Takada spoke briefly on the history of the Institute s international cooperation activities, including those in Southeast Asia, and reflected on the benefits of such cooperation for faculty members as well as for the university. Next, Om introduced ITC and spoke of his institution’s experience collaborating with international partners.