Jujutsu Kaisen is set to return this winter with the Shonen franchise s first film, Jujutsu Kaisen 0, and as the big prequel movie approaches, a new trailer has been released that not only shows off the wild animation that will be used for the new adventure but dives further into the life of Yuta [.]
Jujutsu Kaisen s director revealed that the story from the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie was originally planned for the TV anime series! As fans of the anime might not be entirely aware of, Gege Akutami s original manga series didn t actually start out with Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, and the other [.]
Jujutsu Kaisen s director is hyping up the release of its new movie, Jujutsu Kaisen 0! The debut season of the anime adaptation for Gege Akutami s original manga series was so successful that the franchise is in a whole new kind of popularity than before the anime kicked off. But rather than [.]