To help those who are having difficulties chewing, an increasing number of well-established restaurants are serving Japanese “unagi” eels so tender that they melt in the mouth.
The $410 DeliSofter pot looks much like the rice cookers ubiquitous in Japanese households and it does prepare rice in 24 minutes. But this invention of two Panasonic Corp. engineers is designed to do more and help people with swallowing difficulties. The two women led the creation of a spin-off…
The US$410 DeliSofter pot looks much like the rice cookers ubiquitous in Japanese households and it does prepare rice in 24 minutes.
However, this invention of two Panasonic Corp engineers is designed to do more and help people with swallowing difficulties.
The two women led the creation of a spin-off company, Gifmo Co, to sell the specialized steam cooker, which they say can turn fried chicken soft enough to be sliced with a potato chip.
The machine works by first cutting into food with a series of blades and then subjecting it to extremely high pressure at a temperature of 120°C,
Two Panasonic engineers created a specialized rice cooker that can soften a chicken enough to be sliced with a potato chip. Find out how they did arrive with the creation of DeliSofter.